I Lug A Mug

Repeat Post from September 1, 2009


Remember the days when pay phones cost a quarter…and ironically, you never had a quarter when you needed to make a call? A quarter can go a long way…four of them saved and you have a loonie! So for the rest of the year, lug your mug and save yourself many, many loonies.

At participating UeaT locations, when you buy a coffee or tea in your refillable container (mug, thermos, bottle, jar, vase), you save $0.25 off the regular price. That makes you happy. It also makes the employees happy because they have less disposable coffee cups to throw out. And it makes Mother Earth happy because she does not have to process all that plastic, cardboard, ink. And when she’s happy, everybody is happy.

In short, make everybody happy and Lug a Mug!

2 thoughts on “I Lug A Mug”

  1. Great news. I have a couple of portable mugs at my desk for just such occasions.
    For future planning, I think every food court should have a sink available to the customers, just as the staff must have for board of health reasons.
    It would be useful for washing out lugged mugs, hand washing, and dumping unwanted liquids into a real drain instead of into the trash/recycling containers (when recycling any non-lugged drink containers)

  2. That is a great suggestion Jim! We will definitely keep this in mind for future cafeterias and renovations.


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