Hello UeaTers!
The end of the year is just around the corner, as are exams and assignments, deadlines, warmer weather and Earth Hour! Remember to turn off your lights and electric appliances on Saturday…and eat vegan on Monday!
Yes, it’s true. U of T is celebrating Earth Day on Monday, March 29, 2010. All day, the Green Team will be out in cafeterias to share tips with you on how to be encironmentally sustainable every day. Be sure to drop by and share a tip with the Green Team! Also, ASSU’s Environmental group will be showing you how to recycle and compost properly….in the Sid Smith lobby!
And to top it all off, you can buy VEGAN CHILI for only $3.50 at Sid’s Cafe, MSB Cafeteria, Robarts Cafeteria, The Buttery at Trinity, Veda in Sanford Fleming, OISE and Howard Ferguson Dining Hall.
So come on down UeaTers, for this year’s last event….share a vegan meal with your friends and some green tips with the Green Team!!