Good morning UeaTers!
As promised, this post is about the wonderful Green Team at the major cafeterias.
What do they do, you ask? Keep reading to find out
8:00am: Get out of bed with a big smile. Today is another day when we will save the planet! (the Green Team is very passionate about the environment).
9:00am: Eat a big healthy well-balanced breakfast of local foods. Or maybe just a granola bar while heading out the door.
10:00am: Walk, take the transit, or bike to campus. This is one more way the Green Team helps the environment.
11:00am: Gather at Sid’s Cafe for updates. The Green Team members meet to discuss action-plans and share their experiences of the past day.
11:10am to 3:00pm: The Green Team takes over the major cafeterias on campus (Sid’s Cafe, Robarts Cafeteria, MSB Cafeteria). This week, they are working on the U-Compost Campaign. During the lunch hour, they talk to everybody in the caferias about the benefits of composting after their meals. They show people how to compost, and discuss what goes into the green bins and what doesn’t. They give out bookmarks showing which foods can be composted, and other relevant information. Their motto is
Of course, they are talking about the green composting bins, not themselves. If you can eat it, the green compost bin can eat it as well.
3:00pm: The Green Team heads to classes, work, and other activities. After a good night’s sleep, they meet again at Sid’s Cafe to discuss new ways to save the environment.
So, UeaTers, keep an eye out for the Green Team, and help them out by properly composting your organic wastes. Why? Because as a University, we are trying to divert our waste by recycling, reusing and composting. The minerals produced by composting our food wastes is used in fertilizer around the city. Every little orange peel and apple core and chicken bone and napkin counts. If you take 10 seconds out of each meal to dispose of the wastes properly, you will make the Green Team very happy.
So, do it for the Green Team, for the planet, and for yourself. 🙂
PS: Be sure to check out what one of the Green Team members had to say about his experience on his blog!
I saw the Green team at MSB yesterday. They are diong a great job! Thank you for introducing this project.
Good job guys! This is waaaaay past due on campus! I’m sure it was a lot of hard work getting it done, so kudos you crazy cats
Thank you Nur and Pat! Your feedback means a lot to the Green Team!
Thank you Green Team! This saves me lugging my organics home every night. Not to mention an important initiative!!!
I wish there were Green Guards as I noticed a styrofoam container in one of the green bins a couple of days ago! (Robarts Cafeteria)
Again, thanks!
Dear M.,
We are delighted that you are making use of the compost bins.
Our Green Team had been educating people on what can and can not be composted….and we are hoping to have them back in the cafeterias soon to continue the great work they have been doing.
More than the Green Team, individuals like yourself have helped us educate peers and colleages about the benefits of composting organic waste. The wonderfully socially aware community at U of T has helped make this program a success. Kudos to them , and you!