Warm soup for Friday night

Soup is a perfect, healthy snack for staying in on cold Friday nights. This week, we will share an easy recipe for Butternut Squash Soup. Why Butternut Squash? Because it’s in season, and at its yummiest this month.

Butternut Squash is a type of squash that is popular in the winter. It has a sweet, nutty taste and a warm, creamy texture..which is why it is so popular in Canada during the fall/winter months. You will be able to find it at most grocery stores and at the U of T Weekly Local Farmer’s Market at University College. In case you don’t know what a Butternut Squash looks like, here’s a picture.

Why should you indulge in some Butternut Squash this week? Because it’s good for you! It is full of nutrients like fibre, vitamin C, manganese, potassium and tons of vitamin A.

Our favorite way of enjoying Butternut Squash is in a soup. A warm, velvety, rich, creamy soup. The recipe below is easy to follow, and great for the cold evenings when all you want to do is sit on the couch and watch a movie. Give it a try and let us know how it turned out.

You will need:

An onion, diced

One large butternut squash.

A couple of apples, also diced. You may also want to peel them.

A few spoonfuls of olive oil. For now, just keep the whole bottle handy.

Salt and Pepper to taste.

Ground spices: coriander, cinnamon, nutmeg. (All of these are available at your local grocery store, and at any bulk food store)

6-8 cups of chicken stock

What to do:

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Cut about an inch off the top and bottom of the squash, then slice in half length-wise.

3. Scoop the seeds out of the bottom of each half of the squash

4. Peel the squash and place both halves in a small roasting pan, hollow side up.

5. Score the inside of the squash with a knife to allow olive oil to seep in.

6. Sprinkle the squash with olive oil, salt, pepper and coriander.

7. Cover the squash with tin foil, and roast in the oven for about an hour.

8. Heat up oilve oil and butter in soup pot on medium low heat.

9. Add onion to soup pot, sprinkle with salt. Sautee until onions are soft.

10. Chop the squash and add to the soup pot.

11. Add remaining ingredients, bring soup to a boil. Reduce heat to low, allow to simmer for about 30 minutes.

12. Using an immersion blender, food processor or electric beater, puree the soup to a smooth consistency.

Pour it into a bowl and enjoy it with some garlic bread on the side. Yummm!

Recipe adapted from: http://www.homemade-soup-recipes.com/butternut-squash-soup-recipe.html



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