Dear UeaTers,
We would like to share a unique and inspiring story with you about one of the vendors at our Farmer’s Market.
When you come down to the U of T Farmer’s Market on Wednesday afternoons, you will not be able to resist the delicious breads being sold by St. John’s Bakery. They claim that for them, its more than selling bread at a market…..their breads and sweets build community. It is run by St. John’s- The Compassionate Mission, who helps those in need by employing them in the bakery and elsewhere. This way, by buying breads and sweets from the Farmer’s Market, you are helping somebody in need.
(The following is taken from St. John’s Bakery’s website)
St. John’s started as a drop-in centre in a strip mall on 53 Blake Street in South Riverdale. Two stores down was Joe Link’s bakery. The second day we moved in, Joe arrived with a whole tray of doughnuts, and after that he just kept dropping by and bringing us wonderful, fragrant goodies from his bakery.
Joe’s history took a turn for the worse. He took ill and lost his family and his bakery—everything. He ended up on the street. But slowly, he started pulling his life together, baking bread at our drop-in centre with his old equipment. We saw him being transformed; he “rose” like his bread. We started to sell his bread throughout the neighborhood. Two years later, Joe died. It was a terrible loss for us. But he left us his old dough mixer and a taste and desire for good bread and honest labour.
For us, it is more than our breads and sweets. It is about connecting with people, about building comunity. We draw people in with our bread. We believe our bread builds community.
On that note, UeaTers, come on our to the U of T Farmer’s Market, indulge in some delicious breads and help make somebody’s day!