Yes, U of T has its very own Farmer’s Market! We received positive feedback about the Farmer’s Market last year, and are excited to introduce four new farmers for the 2009-2010 Farmer’s Market.
Did we mention that some of the participating farms are Local Food Plus (LFP) certified? That means that all the food you buy is produced locally in a sustainable environment; and that means that you are helping to save the planet while eating healthy…and that, dear UeaTers, is a good reason to come out to the Farmer’s Market on Wednesday afternoons and indulge in fresh fruit, veggies, cheeses, soups and breads. Yum!

Okay, great – when and where? Your post just says “Wednesday afternoons” but no hour or location. Is this held outside SAC? Don’t assume we all came last year and will know this – you want to attract new faces.
Good write-up on UeaT in the Newspaper (Sept.24)
The Farmer’s Market takes place every Wednesday from 2:30pm to 5:30pm at University College. Currently, it is outside in the Sir Daniel Wilson Quad (slightly behind UC). Due to colder, wetter weather, we will be moving it indoors soon…under the rotunda at UC.
For more information about the market of the farmers, please visit
Hope to see you there!